Thursday, June 10, 2010

We now are the proud owners of this guy:

Why do you ask would we buy a chest freezer? Well, we received an unexpected call from M's parents (their calls always take me by surprise since it's M who usually calls) They said that they were going to butcher a cow. They are farmers, you see, semi-retired, that is. They used to keep milk cows for the most part and only a few meat ones just for their own use, but they sold the house and all the infrastructure needed for that and only have like 3 or 4 cows (M's dad was bored) M grew up helping with everything from milking them to delivering calves. In fact, when I was delivering Rachael and the doctor noticed how knowledgeable M was in these things, M said that it's no different than delivering calves back at the farm...while I was in transition. With no pain drugs. And after being induced. It's like introduction to hell! And though he apologized for saying that, sad that he really didn't mean anything by it and wasn't comparing...let's just say, NOT the smartest move.
So, anyway, back to the call. They said the were butchering a cow and could only use a quarter. Do we want some meat? Otherwise they were going to donate it to the Mission. Do we WANT MEAT? Do they KNOW us? We haven't been able to afford to buy stakes or roasts ever since the birth of our first child! OF COURSE we want it! Ok, they said, come an get it. Soooo, since the freezer costs less than what we pay for hamburger alone, be bought it. And they will have it in on my birthday! What a great birthday present! :)


  1. I am so jealous! We have been wanting to do this for ages, but cant find a local farm that does it. Do they ship!? :) hehe
    Sounds like a wonderful deal, and a few years down the line when you have 2 growing boys, that freezer will prove to be very useful.

  2. We talked about buying meat from someone else once M's dad decideds he is done :) Hope you find someone, the store bought meat doesn't come close to what you get from a farmer!
