Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rachael's Birthday Cake.

It didn't turn out too bad considering I have no experience in cake decorating. And Rachael was really excited about it, much more so than I expected from a 2yo.
Here it is:

We went to our friends' house whose baby girl is turning 1yo today and celebrated both girls. We had a wonderful time, though the kids did get tired (we were having so much time we were not paying attention to the clock and stayed till about 9pm which is too late for the kids to be up. But they had a really good time, too. We are hoping to have them over again soon)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Time To Pull Out Big Guns

Or something like that.
We have been running errands all morning. Rachael is turning 2 yo tomorrow and we were invited to celebrate with another family from church whose daughter will be turning 1 yo on Thursday. I am making their cake. Not just a sheet cake, a princess cake with one of those barbie dollies on top and cake for a dress. It would have been easy if I were just to bake a cake in a bowl and decorate it. But I do NOT like unfilled cakes. So, I'll be baking a LOT of rounds, filling, stacking and the cutting to shape a dress. Considering how tired and unmotivated I have been feeling, it does NOT sound fun at all.
So, back to big guns. I had to stop by the vet and get Lucy some stuff for her ear infection (that the groomers discovered yesterday) and a swollen tear duct. I left the kids in the car (you never know how many sick dogs you will find in their tiny waiting room, it's no place for 4 and 6 yo boys, and Rachael has a hard time keeping her hands off of our dog, I wouldn't want to see her pulling on a strange pitbull's ear or she might end up loosing hers.) I come back five minutes later to a car full of screaming boys. Turns out, Daniel got a sliver on his 4th finger and was crying and Jadin was crying in sympathy (and I thought 6 yo don't cry in sympathy because of a little sliver)
Daniel wanted it removed right away but had to wait till we got home. And now he is not letting me touch it. At all. While screaming for me to remove it. And it's half an inch long and in deep. I tried talking to him. Doesn't help. Explaining? No.
So, finally to the big guns. I put in 'Ice Age' and tried to get it out while he was watching it. So far, no luck. But at least he is not screaming. I guess, I should go try again.
The movie didn't help. We had to wait for daddy to do it today (Wed.) He pretty much held him tight, didn't worry about the screaming and tears, and did it.
I do NOT have the guts for this!
Thank God for daddies!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

from our family to yours

Friday, December 24, 2010

Prayer Buddy Reveal

I have had the privilege of praying for My Heart Exults for the last few weeks. It was wonderful to get to know them a little better.
I was so hoping for a miracle for them. And it did happen for a few beautiful weeks. My heart is breaking for their loss. When you pray for someone on a regular basis, they become a part of your family, there's a connection established that is not easily broken. I wish God had chosen to answer my prayers in a different way. But in all things, may His name be glorified!
Please, join me in praying for this family.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

7 Quick Takes

1. It's our month to clean the church. We usually do it once a week between services. I decided to take the kids along and do it today, so that we don't have to worry about it tomorrow on M's day off. Honestly, with his parents coming to visit he has A LOT to do around the house. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.
2. We have been having people over for lunch after church every Sunday for the last couple of months. M had to take all the junk out of the dinning room (and that includes painting supplies, a seat he took out of our car to make it easier to access kids in the back and quite a few other items) Having no space for the stuff, he put it in the guest bedroom. It's a tiny room and now you can't see the floor, let alone walk on it. Did I mention in-laws are coming to visit? That's where they are going to stay. So, they either have to grow wings or M. will have to figure out what to do with the stuff.
3. On the subject of in-laws, they came to visit us once this year while they visited M's sister twice. I am upset. You want to know why? They live 5 hours away from us, and 3 days away from her. They were invited over here for Thanksgiving and Jadin's birthday but decided not to come. I don't understand why they care so little for their grand kids who love them to death.
4. After we were done cleaning the church I took the kids out to Mc.Donald's. It was too close to Rachael's nap time and I knew she would have been asleep by the time we got home. I wanted her to eat. So, we order, sit down at the table and start eating when this cleaning lady comes over and starts talking to the kids. She is usually very friendly and I don't mind. Well, today she says to the kids 'Oh, no, not these pests, not these pests again' two or three times. Seriously???? When she left Daniel says 'Mommy, why did that lady call us pests?' What do you say to that? Highly inappropriate. I was considering talking to the manager but decided the lady probably needed that job.
5. I asked for flute lessons for my Christmas present this year. M didn't mind so I started looking for a teacher and found this lady who has been teaching for over 20 years and has been playing principal flute for our Symphony Orchestra for the last 14 years. WOW! What a wealth of experience! I called her and left her a message. She never called back that day. Bummer! So I called her back the next day (just in case it was actually not her number, you couldn't tell from the answering machine.) A guy picked up and said she was out of town. Makes sense.
6. So, on the subject of flute lessons, he said he e-mailed her my information and that she would be calling me back. I wasn't holding my breath, a teacher with that kind of experience can pick and choose her students and there was no reason for her to choose me. I am not that talented or advanced (not that she could tell from the information I gave when I left a message which included my name and cell number. LOL). She called the next day, asked me where I was at with my studies (uh, I know the fingerings, what level does that put me on? Below beginner?) and said she will teach me. WOO-HOO!!!!! I am so excited I can't wait for Jan.1 to arrive! I can't think of anything else!
7. For some reason I have no motivation to decorate the house beyond the Christmas tree. We also have no presents for the kids. It's sad, really, considering Christmas is only 3 days away. Oh, well. Wednesday is going to be a busy day.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Presents

And we are greatful

Monday, December 6, 2010

What Makes A House, A Home?

Have you ever thought about that?
When we first got married it was decided that I move here instead of us living in Ukraine. The main reason for that was M's inability to provide for us due to his not speaking Russian. Of course, we could have chosen for him to stay home and for me to work, but that would be too hard for him. We both believe in biblical roles for husbands and wives, and that meant I move to the US.
M. had owned this house for some time when I joined him. He worked really hard to make me feel at home, to make room for my stuff and to get anything I can possibly want that I had to leave behind. He bought a big dresser and made room in the closet.
I didn't have problems adjusting. Not really. I knew the language and way of life and it was acceptable to me. Most importantly, I was finally re-united with the man I loved.
Yet, without realizing it, I felt like a guest in his home for the longest time. I didn't feel comfortable re-arranging things. I felt I needed to ask his permission if I was to deep clean anything. In addition to that, I moved here in February and our first son was born at the end of November that year. In 9 short months I was no longer working, lived in a new country with no real friends or any family close by and had a very fussy infant to care for. For months I wouldn't sleep in our bed being afraid of Jadin disturbing M's sleep. Like a good guest, I tried my best to let him rest while rocking MY crying baby. For some reason I didn't realize he was OUR baby. That HE was responsible for Jadin as well. I felt very alone.
Years have passed. Jadin is no longer an infant. God added two more kids to our family. On Saturday as we were making chocolate waffles and raspberry whipped cream and listening to Christmas music, I realized I no longer felt like a stranger, a guest in this house. It was my HOME filled with aromas of breakfast, voices of children singing and playing, comfortable chairs and love. Full of memories. It's no longer me versus him. We are truly 'us'.
I am not sure when that transition happened. I no longer feel like I have to ask permission to put stuff where I think it should go or invite a friend over. I don't need advise on everything and anything. It's all figured out, for the most part. If I need help I ask. But most importantly I feel like we both have our own place and a role to play. An important role. Sure, I don't 'put food on the table' but I cook it and set that table to serve it. He still doesn't take care of kids 'after hours' but he will get up and help clean up when Jadin throws up in the middle of the night. I am no longer alone or a guest.
We are in this together.