Thursday, June 10, 2010

No car

What happens to the family when the wife and three kids are stuck at home without a car? My children were up before 6am (the girly was, anyway, the boys slept till 6:30) It's 9:46 now, this is my 4th blog post toady, Rachael is destroying Daniel's towers and climbing all over Jadin (which neither of them appreciates. add loud screaming every 20 seconds here) And Jadin and I had the following conversation:
J 'Mommy, are old M'n'Ms poison?'
Me 'No'
J 'What do old M'n'Ms taste like? I tried one, it was yucky'
Me 'They taste like chocolate. Where did you find an old one of those? (we haven't had M'n'Ms at our house for months)'
J 'Daniel found one in the bathroom'
And than it dawned on me. Rachael was playing with a pack of M's Sudafed yesterday while sitting on the potty (my own personal potty training technique. keep the entertained while they are on the potty while they are learning to go, so that they don't mind being there so long.) Usually she just takes it out of the box and puts it back times 10. Well, yesterday she popped a tablet out by accident. It's tiny so I couldn't see it right away and forgot all about it later. And today Daniel found it and gave it to Jadin. Jadin ate it. So, no he is sitting quietly on the couch thinking that he's going to die. Hopefully it will scare him enough to never try anything like that again. Plus, it's much quieter around here, too. Oh, the joys of motherhood.


  1. Perhaps the sudafed will make him sleepy... which='s quiet. But still, scary and a good lesson learned for Jadin

  2. I know, I started laughing AFTER I made sure he's not going to die :)
