Monday, June 21, 2010


So, M was done with work really early on Friday. He calls me and says he will be home after stopping by the store and getting a present. Present? What present? Didn't we buy enough presents (the freezer AND the dress, all from the same pay check) The second he said it was something expensive for the kids we could very well do without I knew what he meant. He's been talking about buying it for at least a year. Let me show you some pictures:

I have to admit, it's a lot of fun. I still think it was an irresponsible financial decision.


I was approached by this man at the gym yesterday who I secretly call Mr. Fancy Running Shoes. I never actually looked at his face until yesterday when he came over to ask me about the bicycle crunches but I definitely noticed his shoes. They are very aerodynamically shaped black shoes with white soles that look like giant toothpaste spills. The gym is quite empty these days so you start noticing things like that from sheer lack of anything else to look at :) So, anyway, he comes over just as I am switching from the mat to a weight lifting machine asking me about those crunches, of which, of course, I have no idea. So he describes them to me and proceeds to show me how you do them. At that point another girl who was on the mat at that time starts praising them. When he is done, he turns to me (completely ignoring the other girl) and says 'So, that's how you do them' Um, thanks? I mean ,what do you say to a stranger who starts giving you advice about fitness? Don't take me wrong, I had been approached by a guy before when I was using torso twist incorrectly. And I am grateful. But this is a completely different case. I felt like he was hitting on me. In the gym! Where people sweat! If you saw the way I dress to the gym you'd be amazed they don't take me for some sort of bum and throw me out. And no one hits on me EVER. Which makes this even more uncomfortable because I don't know what to do. I don't want to be impolite. But I don't want to be hit on, either. I am just going to start wearing my wedding band (I usually don't, it scratches the baby and irritates my skin, plus I just don't care about jewelry at all and usually forget to put it on in the morning) There's absolutely no chance to not see him again, I see his shoes around all the time, it seems. Any advice?


If God is glorified in our weakness, our worship team has definitely been bringing Him a lot of glory that way recently. I mean, WHO messes up 'Amazing Grace'? Apparently, I do. We transpose it a step down to make it easier to sing. And since it's only one step, I usually do it in my head without writ ting it down. I always thought I could play it in any key without music. Well, I wasn't paying very good attention because I totally lost my spot in the middle of second verse and had to drop out until I could find where we were. How embarrassing. It wouldn't be too bad, people probably thought that was planned since I usually drop out on a few verses (we I play flute only) to add variety. But our pianist skipped a whole verse on another song and went straight to the refrain while everyone else continued singing the verse. The pastor had to apologize for our disorderly worship, it was so bad. And last Sunday I almost dropped my drumsticks in the middle of a very fast song. There's no way no one noticed THAT. To make it worse a couple from our church were baptising their 6 mo baby and 3.5 yo son. We had A LOT of visitors. Sundays like that make me want to quit the worship team all together. It's a good thing our main purpose is to glorify God and not to put on a great performance. Otherwise we would all be fired :)


I screwed up big time yesterday. I didn't realize it was Father's day until I saw Father's day cake at church. I didn't get a card (no car). I didn't even wish M a happy Father's day (no excuse for that one). Don't worry, I went to Safeway on the way back from the gym and got him a card, a balloon and a lemon pie. Still, I feel bad.


  1. Wearing your wedding band is a good idea. I never have people hit on me either so that's the best encouragement I can give you, I'm afraid 8-o! I'll be praying though! Oh, try not to look at his shoes, maybe he thinks you're looking at HIM!

  2. hey, I haven't seen the shoes ever since so he either changed them or isn't around. Either way, it's great to not have to worry about it. I can't wear rings much in the summer becuase of ugly rash on my fingers. I had to stop wearing the mother's ring M got me, too. :( It should get better in the fall when it's cooler.
