Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Childhood Obesity

It affects a lot of kids these days. Or, so I am told. Apparently, my family somehow missed the epidemic, because my kids are very skinny. I have to work hard to get them to eat.
So, in view of this epidemic, explain to me, why my children's school insists on feeding kids snacks when they only spend three hours there. It is disruptive to our family routine. It's difficult to get them to eat a healthy breakfast (who wants eggs if they know they will get chicken nuggets at school) and they refuse to eat lunch with the family since they just ate said chicken nuggets at school half and hour ago. Did I mention the fact that they are only at school for THREE hours?
Why am I bringing it up? Well, because today I only gave Jadin chocolate milk for a snack. Daniel was not going to school, so I decided I will feed them all right after Jadin comes back from school, and that Jadin should be hungry by then. Well, turns out he was fed pretzels at school. PRETZELS! I am AGAINST pretzels. They have no nutritional value.
Of course, when I offered them pelmeni (which they LOVE) he politely declined. He wasn't hungry. And I am upset! If I decide to only send chocolate milk to school, WHY are they feeding him junk? We all ate, and he will be hungry after he wakes up from his nap which means I will have to cook another meal just for him. Because, you see, I have nothing else to do around here then to cook at odd times of day because the school thinks they have to have a snack.


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