Thursday, October 14, 2010

And I Am The Carrier

So, we have these strange things happen to our sound system at church. First, we were getting faint radio feed through it, that wasn't supposed to be there. No one can figure out why it's there and we do have a couple of sound systems specialist in our congregation. We figured out that it goes away when our guitarist turns his monitor on. Problem fixed...for a little while, anyway. Then one Sunday morning we come to practice like we always do, and the monitor plugging isn't helping anymore. Luckily for us, I had to play my keyboard on one of the songs, so I turned it on and the sounds magically disappeared. Weired.
Last Sunday we start practicing and my drums are not working. The sound system guy says I am turned all the way up on the board yet there's nothing. It takes me a couple of minutes to figure out that my set is turned waaaay down on my side. I am the only one who ever touches that set. No one knows what to do with it or what the knobs are for. I definitely didn't touch it. So, who did? We only have ten people in church that have access to the building during the week, me and my husband are two of them, the rest are cleaning crews. The worship team jokes about having demons in our sound system.
Ok, so this morning we dropped Jadin off at school as we do every morning and were on our way back. I usually have Christian radio station on, not because I am so fond of the 10 songs that they play over and over and over, but because I know that music has a huge impact on me and I'd rather hear a Christian message, even if the same song played 10 times a day is a little irritating. I had radio on this morning, too, until it switched to CD all of a sudden without any help from me. WHAT IS GOING ON? Am I the carrier of the demons? They seem to have infested my car now, too. Like I said, weired.

PS. No, I don't think I am the carrier of the demons or that they would even think me enough of a threat to do that. I am sure there's an explanation. I do believe that our members are under attack (which, believe me, is a strong statement for one one who is of PCA background). One of our members lost their father unexpectedly last Thursday, another one is likely to loose her dad any day, and we have too more members whose parents are deathly ill. There's less then 50 families in our church. It's a lot of losses in a short period of time. Makes me really worried about my family.


  1. Yikes! Sounds like some trippy wires to me. At least that's what I pray it is.

  2. You can diagnose a problem just like that? WOW!!!!!!!! Thanks, I will mention this to the guys.
