Friday, May 21, 2010

What we were up to yesterday.

Jadin's school always holds their events on Thursday nights. You are probably wondering why I care to mention it here. Well, because it's irritating. Why Thursday? Why not ANY other night? I am free any night of the week but Thursday, when I volunteer in the YMCA's nursery:

(Rachael is the little hairless girl sitting at the table :)
Looks like fun, huh? Add about 15 more kids to that picture. Now, imagine half of them running in play and the other half screaming for their mom. Not so fun. At the end of the night I just want to crawl in a hole somewhere and sleep 15 hours straight. But how can I possibly miss this:

(Jadin is the little boy in a yellow shirt with stripes on his sleeves.)
Jadin's class was singing at the kindergarten graduation. Notice how few kids there are on the stage. Normally, there are twice as many. But most moms don't drag their kids out at 7pm just to let them sing one song at somebody else's graduation. I do. It's important for Jadin to know that I am willing to change my schedule just to watch him sing this one song.
Also, Wednesday was last day of school. My firstborn graduated from preschool. Hard to believe. I still remember the first 8 sleepless months after he was born (and sleepless they were as he screamed around the clock and only slept 2 hours at a time at the very most while I was holding him sitting in a particular chair) Anyway, I know it's not a big deal for most families, but I decided to make it a big deal. He asked for a dinosaur cake, which I made:

An ugly cake, I know, but look at the smile!
And to finish this post let me give you the quote of the day from Jadin: 'Mommy, when it's freezing hot and it's summer, are we going camping?'


  1. You're such a good mom! I love that you make a point to show your kids that they are important. Sounds simple, but sadly, so many don't even bother...
    You rock!

  2. Thank you, Brooke! You are awesome! I haven't been so encouraged in my life :)
