Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another bridge crossed

Most people don't understand the challenges associated with moving to a different country. They assume that since we have the same skin color and can speak their language we do fine. And we do, but some things are more difficult for me than it is for those people who grew up in the USA. First of all, I am not accustomed to making choices. When I was growing up, we had one kind of whatever in stores. Like, there was only one kind of pasta available and that's what we would have. Or, potatoes. Or, pretty much anything else. Even ice cream. Chocolate was a rare find, and my favourite, fruit flavour was sometimes available only in the summer. Otherwise it was just plain vanilla. So, when I moved here, I had to learn by buying things and trying them to see if I liked them. It was very hard for my husband to understand why I would by this horrible brand. Everyone knows, it's terrible, right?
Another big one was driving. Someone made fun of the way I parked recently. Hey, you know what? You have been driving for 50 years at least! I got my license 4 years ago!
Jadin had a school trip the other day that required going to a nearby town. I asked his teacher if she would ride with me, since I didn't know where we were going. 'But it's just a trip to ..... town!' she said. It was embarrassing. How do you tell someone you've never driven outside of your town? Well, it was time. So, I went hoping to not lose a sight of this other mom who was driving ahead of me. I did fine. I wish people were more understanding, though. It wouldn't be so hard.


  1. Wow. I give you SO much credit for all of the changes you have made. What did you do in Ukraine? Walk? Public transportation? Do most people not learn to drive?
    I cant wait to go there and learn all about it. Until then, I will learn through you, my great teacher :)

  2. You are so sweet, Brooke! Thank you. People walk and use public transportation. I hear ther are more cars on the road now, too. It was different growing up. All the walking does help you stay fit, though.
