Monday, November 15, 2010

Why I don't like school. ANY school.

I don't like them because of projects. I HATE PROJECTS! I am not creative, or handy, or patient. I do not see in my mind how things will turn out. My worst nightmare was home ed class back in 6th-8th grades. We were taught to make clothes from scratch, to measure, make patterns, cut and sew everything from a house robe to dress clothes. My teacher always showed my projects to everyone in the class to demonstrate how things should NOT be done. I once permanently attached a pant leg from one of my projects to an arm hole of another project. And then had to take the stitches out and cut a hole in the said leg while doing it. (Sigh.)
Now, fast forward a week ago. My son comes from school with this huge paper turkey saying that he has to decorate it and they will hang it in the school for their Thanksgiving festivities. UH-OH! You mean, I am supposed to HELP you buy the stuff to decorate the turkey with and then GLUE it on and EVERYONE in the school will see it???? All freaked out, I started contemplating the possibility of switching schools after our 'art project' is seen by others. (I love my son too much to make him go back to that school the day after). No, we already payed for the school year.
(God, can I exchange my musical abilities for a little bit of creativity and a new pair of hands? No? What do you mean it doesn't work that way?)

At least he is still little and in time the turkey will be forgotten.

On top of all that he called his turkey 'Adm' (I did write another 'a' in there not that anyone will notice after they see the poor guy)

1 comment:

  1. C'mon, thats an easy one! Be sure to post pictures.
    Praise him for his work, hopefully he will be very proud of it :)
