Tuesday, November 23, 2010

One of Those Days.

I woke up this morning feeling a little bit under the weather. Not really sick, or anything, just a sore throat and low energy (that last one I should be used to by now, right? No, not really) And it's 3F outside. I HATE having to do anything when I am cold.
What I want to do is sit at home with a book. What I have to do is run to the store and get things for Thanksgiving dinner and for Jadin's birthday cakes (yeah, there going to be more than one), buy Jadin's birthday present, clean the house (in desparate need of being cleaned, too) and do laundery.
When I am done with all that, I need to go work out, though Rachael said this morning 'Momma not work out, momma not faaaaat!' (I wish! With Thanksgiving and a birthday coming I can't really afford to not go to the gym)
Oh, and than there's Jadin's Thanksgiving program tomorrow morning. I decided I am not going to make food (being Daniel's room mom and having to organize Thanksgiving for 150 people on Monday was enough).
And than there was the incident yesterday with Rachael and the teacher of the other pre-school class. I was at school before 8 am chopping, peeling, arranging, getting the food ready, recording the program on two different cameras and cleaning up afterwards. Rachael didn't get any of my attention. She was such a good girl, never really making a fuss. Until it was time to serve the food. She saw the toys in Mrs.H's class and went in to play with them (I am not talking fancy toys, stuff like babies and blankets). Mrs.H discovered here there and brought her out kicking and screaming telling me she can't touch the toys. She will break them. SERIOUSLY??? You can SEE I am helping with the food, you KNOW I have been here for 3 hours with her. How hard is it to give her a baby? Is she really going to break it in the 20 minutes while I am serving the food? Rachael cried the whole time while I was trying to feed the boys, help with the food and clean-up.
I am upset. I understand rules, but there was not compassion or understanding. Just rules. She can't touch.
Oh, well. I am glad Daniel's in Mrs.R's class. And for Easter I am going to stay low. After all, Mrs. H has a room mom, too.


  1. Yikes!
    Feel better! No being sick for the holidays!

  2. thank you! I am sure a bunch of Advil will make it all better :)
