Monday, November 15, 2010

Meet Adam

And here he is in all his glory. Like I said, I am not good at these things.

Now,so you don't think that those three years of humiliation at school didn't pay off, here's my semi-successful project (the dress and the hat,not the baby, she is drop dead gorgeous and a total success :)


  1. Ok, Adam is stinking CUTE! So, I think you need to hush because your boy did some great work! Fear not! Im LOVING the feathers and the different textures! Way to go!
    And seriously, did you make that dress? No way. Its gorgeous! I had to make boxer shorts in 7th grade, no joke. I paid a boy to finish them for me.

  2. you are so sweet! My only hope is that other kids are 5, too :)
    as far as the dress, you can't see the back :) The only part of that outfit that looks exactly the way it's supposed to is the hat.
    Why were you making the shorts? I didn't know kids here had to sew.
    Seriously, I still have nightmares about that home ed. class.

  3. Yep, in middle school we had sewing, cooking and technology... one day a week, and the class rotated, so for like 12 weeks we had sewing, then 12 weeks of cooking... It was like recess in my opinion, a great way to break up the day.
