Monday, November 29, 2010

Eating Cake And Being Frustrated.

Christmas is not about presents, no doubt. Still, it's a tradition to give presents on Christmas and I had what seemed to me like a good game plan. I was going to take full advantage of Cyber Monday and get a Kindle for my husband and a digital frame for my parents. Easy enough, right?
Um, not for me. First, i don't buy anything without reading reviews. So, let's start with the frame. I read so many reviews on so many brands and models I can't keep them straight anymore. It seems like every frame has at least one review saying 'this one freezes after a month. Don't buy', 'it goes dark and quits', or 'it says it has internal memory, but it really doesn't' (the last one's not a problem, flash cards are so cheap these days) Every.Single.One. After spending hours on the computer I am not even sure they will like it. They are attached to their computer anyway and Dad carries his lap-top everywhere (he even brought it here when they came to visit, because, you know, we live in Africa and don't have a computer. LOL) Also, Dad LOVES playing with electronics, they have lost sooooo many computers because he thinks he knows what he is doing. I feel that no matter the quality of the frame it will be short lived. I have no idea what to do.
Now, to the Kindle. I though that would be an awesome idea for M. He LOVES to read. The thing is, I can't find anything under 150$. Also, he loves reading BLOGS. I don't think you can get those on Kindle. I doubt I will be able to get books that he would like, either.
I am back where I started this morning.
As to the cake, it's soo good and we have a lot of it left...

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