Thursday, June 10, 2010


I was really excited yesterday when M said we were going hiking! Living in SD does have it's pluses. M desided to take the pickup (it has 4 wheel drive) so it took us a bit longer to get ready (I keep extra clothes for Rachael and sweaters for boys in my van at all times). At that point I should have asked WHY we needed 4 wheel drive? After all most places are terorrist...I mean, tourist accessible. The other red flag came up when M wouldn't tell me where we were going. And this is why:

What mother in her right mind would want to scramble over boulders carrying a baby and trying to make sure the boys don't go down? I refused to get out of the car and ten minutes later M agreed to go somewhere else. As we took off the pickup started making these horrible noises. Yep, we broke down. In the middle of nowhere. I am pretty sure the road to that hill isn't really a road, but some sort of maintanance path. The horrible metal breaking noise continued every time M hit the brakes. You don't want to know how we got home. It was pretty much praying the whole way back. And today I am without a car because M needed to get to work. Some days you really shouldn't even bother getting out of bed.

1 comment:

  1. My hubby loves to hike, and has taken the children when they were tiny on trails where I couldn't follow. Treacherous! Leaving me praying for their safety until they came back. He just laughs at me =-P. But NOW I think I can go with, and the children are older which will make mama so much more relaxed. I'm so sorry about the pickup! I'm glad that you got home safely and pray that things start smoothing out a little bit. Dave and I have gone through the 'being married for 8 years and needing to replace everything' phase recently. Why don't all our appliances and vehicles last forever?
