Friday, November 19, 2010

'Tis The Season

I LOVE Thanksgiving and Christmas season. I love driving around in the cold weather looking at Christmas lights decorating people's houses. I enjoy fixing hot cocoa for my family and going Christmas tree hunting with our church, and watching the parade of lights.
But not only is it a festive time of year, it holds a special significance to our family. Two days after Thanksgiving our firstborn son took his first breaths, made his first cries and wore his first outfits. I even picked the day of his birth (no, not a c-section, my water broke two nights after Thanksgiving just like I predicted a month earlier.) Also, a day before New Year's Eve or third child and first daughter made her appearance.
This time of the year is very special not only for us but also for my sister-in-law and her family as they celebrate birthdays of two of their children as well. Needless to say, it means LOTS of shopping.
Though I really hate shopping for myself I LOVE shopping for my family and extended family, especially if I can do it by myself. M likes to participate, too, and I never buy anything for our children on my own, but since he is so very busy and I know what my sister-in-law wants for her children (because we are girls and we TALK (and LISTEN!) it's much easier for me to do it with just Rachael in tow while boys are at school and hubby is at work. In fact, Rachael and I held the following conversation in the car today. Me 'Rachael, mommy needs to stop by the house and get a coke.' Rachael 'No-o-o-o. I want to go shopping!' What can I say, it's a girl thing :)
So, we went to T.arget (couldn't find the lacing beads for Daniel's class but I spied a couple of things that will make a good birthday gift for Jadin. Now I need M's approval and we are good to go.) and TJ.Maxx and bought Christmas gifts for all the nephews and nieces a birthday present for E., my niece. I am going to get a bottle of wine from our local winery (their wines are exceptional! when Sister-in-law and family were visiting, they bought a whole case to take home, so I figured that would be a good present) for sister and brother-in-law, wrap all the presents and mail! I am doing it early because E's birthday is in the beginning of December and that way we only have to go to the post office once.
Here's what I got

Oh, and since I couldn't find those beads for Daniel's class I showed the lace-and-trace that I got for one of the nieces to his teacher and she said that she loved it even better than the beads. Problem solved!
Can't wait to start wrapping them up!


  1. Great finds! Too funny, I bought the silly sentences at TJ Maxx last week too :)

  2. it's looks like a great game :)

  3. Olya, just wanted to tell you Advent Prayer Buddies is open to anyone who has a blog! Please sign up, it's so much fun!
