Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bad News.

Not that a child throwing up is ever good news. But a child throwing up on that one day when your hubbs is out of town and you HAVE to be at the child's school serving teachers lunch...What am I supposed to do?
I am the room mom for Daniel's class. It means I help organize things, like Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter and serve teachers lunch once a year on the designated day (all of us room moms take turn doing that once a month to show our appreciation. It's not hard, there's only 15 people to cook for including secretary and the principal) Today is my day. And Jadin was sick as a dog last night. He threw up all over his bed and the chest of drawers, the living room floor and the bathroom, of course.
We have no family in town, no one to watch them. All my friends work. The only person who might agree to watch them for me would be pastor's wife. She is a sweetheart and I know she will agree unless she has other plans. The thing is, if Jadin has a stomach bug, I don't want to expose J. to it. The are leaving early next week to go visit family.
I have no idea what to do. I can't bring Jadin to school with me. I can't leave him alone at home. I don't have any one to watch him. And I can't re-schedule.
Last year, when I was room mom for Jadin's class, I made sure the lunch was scheduled on M's day off. He would take the kids and I would go and do my thing. The night before M came down with a stomach virus. He was miserable. I was miserable. Neither of us slept. I had three kids in tow including a baby.
I think this is the last time I volunteer to be room mom.


  1. Oh no...
    Can he go to the school nurse's office? Do they have one?

  2. No, I kept him home from school. I am sure they have a nurse, but I don't know if she has an office. It's a small school.
    He is doing really well this morning, he ate and is a normal hyper self. So I will be calling Janet to see if she can watch them. There's just no other option.
    And that also means that I have to get up and go clean the house.
