Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I just realized that I really don't have a life, and therefore I should probably not have a blog. After all, there's really nothing to post about except kids, and who wants to read about someone else's kid's potty training? It's amazing, but I do have one follower (thank you for your patience with all my 'awww, my kids are so wonderful' posts) So, at her request, I am going to post some pictures of myself and the wonderful addition my husband built (those will have to wait since the kids are napping there). Here we go:

This one was taken in California last year during our vacation. I was still nursing than so you get a glimpse of a fat me :) We really enjoyed our time there, though it was a little cold (M had to turn the heat on in our little pop-up camper for an hour or two. We were afraid to leave it run all night since it's an old hand-me-down camper we inherited from M's parents) Oh, and the seafood, it was WONDERFUL!

This one was taken last August at Sorybook Island. It's a great park for kids and they also decorate it with hundreds of lights for Christmas. If you are here around Christmas, it's a must-see.

Now, I asked M to take this one when I was mostly done loosing baby pounds. I've lost more since than and unfortunately those jeans are way too big now to be comfortable. Those were my favourite jeans and I only paid 8$ for them. Talk about great deals!
i can't help but quote a conversation between Daniel and Rachael at Reptile Gardens today. We were looking at a colony of prairie dogs. Rachael:'Dah! Dah!' Daniel 'No, Rachael, theses are fairy dogs!'


  1. You have SO much to write about! 3 kids, life in a new world, Ukrainian food recipes, and on and on.
    You are so pretty too! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I love reading your posts. Brings back so many memories! I agree - you have a LOT to write about. When you get to be my age, in the far distant future, you'll be glad to read these again and remember. Wish I'd had a blog when my kids were little!
