Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Up against the wall

actually it was more down against the wall. We had to sit on the floor in our local YMCA's basement facing the wall for about 20 min waiting out a tornado warning. Why were we at YMCA if there was a possibility of a tornado, you ask. Well, because I have ants in my pants...and three kids. It was poring all day, and the kids were tired of staying in and looking at hail every once in a while. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone. I exercised while kids played at the nursery. When I came to pick them up, staff person told me there was a tornado warning issued and I could either go home and sit in my own basement or go down to the YMCA's basement. My house doesn't have a basement. Actually, three years ago my house didn't even have room for a dining room table. We had to either eat sitting on the love seat and holding our food or set up a cardboard table every time we ate. See, our house only had one bedroom, and the kitchen was too small for a table. And it still is. I am lucky to be married to the most talented and handy man in the whole country. He designed and built and addition including a nice dining room and two bedrooms. The boys share one (it's quite small, not much room to play but at least they have their own beds, a chair, a closet(!) and a chest of drawers). Did I mention the fact that M did it all by himself? We even have heat in the dining room floor. Anyway, though the house is bigger now than it was when Jadin was born, it's still quite small. And we came to a point when we will be loosing our guest room. Because baby is 16 mo and it's time to move her out of our bedroom. I can't pretend that I am prepared for that. She really doesn't bother anyone, she sleeps in her own bed and I just love waking up to her sweet little voice calling out to me. What can be better? I do understand that she can't sleep there until she is out of high school. Plus, I finally purchased graco baby monitor, something I wanted really badly ever since D was born 4 years ago and never really had money for. One of the ladies I know from the Y was selling it really cheap, so I bought it. We really didn't have the 15$ we paid for it, I had to use my gas stash (I keep 20$ in the glove box in case I run out of gas and need cash to pay for it.) But it's wonderful and worth every penny we paid for it. I used it today when the baby was sleeping inside while the boys wanted to play outside. Did I say it's wonderful? It's even better than that. If you have more than one small child, you absolutely have to have one of these! It worked with boys, too. I put it in their room when they were taking a nap and told them that If they make a sound I will hear them and there will be consequences (they tend to start arguing or playing instead of napping) WOW! It's my own personal miracle. :)
We had a much better day today. Rain is over, tornadoes are gone and we enjoyed the day:

What you can't see int his picture is Rachael wearing big girl panties. But she was and she only had one accedent at the end of today. I think she was just really tired and ready for another nap. I am so proud of my little girl! Here she is in her light pink panties:

1 comment:

  1. I love your excitement about the simple things :) A baby monitor... who knew it could bring such joy to a mom's world?! :) Glad you got one, now with baby #3, and hopefully it frees you up to spend many hours playing with your sons outside while baby girl sleeps!
    When are you going to start posting pics of yourself? The fancy addition that your husband built? Im impressed!
