Tuesday, January 11, 2011


My Internet is back! And did I miss it! We have been having reeeeeeally cold weather (today temp went up all the way to 9F) and some snow. I think that's what caused connection problems.
It was an eye opener for me. I didn't realize how much time I spend on the computer. Yesterday I managed to finish a project I have been dreading for the last 7 years. Cleaning M's side of the bed and under the bed. It was really REALLY bad, I ended up with 3 large boxes of his old magazines alone. The were also weights (lots of them) that he has never used in our 8 years of marriage. And empty gun boxes (that apparently I am not allowed to toss because should he decide to sell them, original boxes add value) Covered in layers and layers of dust.
He came home and was really upset though he did move the bed and let me vacuum under there. How can guys live like that and not mind? So what that it's under the bed and you can't see it. You are still breathing it! After that he proceeded to empty the boxes and put old magazines back under his side table. WHY??? What was wrong with keeping them in the box?? He told me it's HIS house and HIS stuff and he will keep it where HE wants to keep it.

OK then.

Not a good attitude. And I AM still upset.

Then there's Rachael. She doesn't want to take naps in her bed. She wants to be held. She screamed for 2 hours yesterday and for an hour today. Didn't take a nap. Almost fell asleep on the (5 min. long) drive to the YMCA.
It's 3 hours of screaming in two days. Her throat is sore. She is tired. She did fall asleep on the way back from the Y and slept for about an hour. Oh, glorious hour! I got to practice flute. My second lesson is tomorrow, and what do you know, all of a sudden she doesn't want me to play flute. Or anything else, for that matter. She starts....yes, you guessed right, screaming. The only time I get to practice is when she is napping. Which, she is not.
Why did she decide she doesn't like me playing right after I started lessons? She never objected before!

In other words, fun few day. At least, I still get to work out. I don't know what will happen to my mental health if she decides she doesn't like it in the Nursery any more.


  1. Oy. That would not fly with me. No way no how. Praying for an attitude adjustment. A good friend once told me... "ты плохо
    себя ведешь сегодня" Give it a whirl ;)
    Poor sweet Rachael, I hope she feels better soon

  2. ha-ha, that would be funny! (the expression on the face, that is ;)
    I don't know what got into her, but for her benefit (and my sanity) I do hope she will snap out of it soon.
    Did the school ever call back?

  3. No and today is a snow day of course... erg!!!
